Leo Tolstoy' Post

The Gospel In Brief – Preface

THIS short exposition of the Gospel is a summary of a large work which exists in manuscript and cannot be published in Russia. That work consists of four parts:

  1. An account (Confession) of the course of my own life and of the thoughts which led me to the conviction that the Christian teaching contains the truth.
  2. An examination of the Christian teaching: first according to its interpretation by the Orthodox Russo-Greek Church, then according to its interpretation by the Church in general-by the Apostles, the Councils, the so-called Fathers of the Church-and an exposure of what is false in those interpretations.
  3. An examination of Christian teaching not according to those interpretations but solely according to what has come down to us of Christ’s teaching, as ascribed to him in the Gospels.
  4. An exposition of

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